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«  Сентябрь 2024  »
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Study the following words and expressions.

to make sb feel at ease — помочь кому-либо почувствовать себя как дома

to stay with sb — останавливаться у кого-либо

to be united — быть сплоченным, крепким (о семье)

elder — старший (о детях в семье); также older

to get on well (with sb) — ладить, иметь хорошие отношения (с кем-либо)

to spend a lot of time together — проводить много времени вместе

considerate — внимательный, доброжелательный

hard-working — трудолюбивый

intelligent — умный

to keep house — вести домашнее хозяйство

to look after sb — заботиться о ком-либо

strict — строгий

to arrange sb’s time — организовывать/планировать чье-либо время

to fool around — слоняться без дела

to be fond of (doing sth) — увлекаться (чем-либо)

faculty — факультет, отделение; также department

to have one’s duties about the house — иметь обязанности по дому

tidy — аккуратный

Read the text.

No Man Is an Island

Alexander has a new pen friend from Great Britain. Her name is Jane and she comes to Moscow on a British-Russian educational exchange programme. This is what he writes:

Hi Jane!

I know you are coming to Moscow, and to make you feel at ease, I want to invite you to stay with us. I think the family is the most important thing for every person. The family are people who always love you, support you and help you. People say: “No Man Is an Island.” For me it is impossible to live without my family. My family is rather large. It is very friendly and united. I have parents, an elder brother and grandparents. We all get on with each other very well. We spend a lot of time together. My father’s name is Konstantin Alexeevich. He is a plastic surgeon; he helps people become more beautiful. He is a real professional. He is considerate, hard-working and intelligent. My mother’s name is Liudmila Mikhailovna. She is an engineer, but she does a lot of work about the house. She keeps the house and looks after us. She cooks very well. Our mother is very kind but strict with us. She always checks how we do our homework. Mother arranges our free time, so that we cannot just fool around. She is fond of reading. My brother Alexei is 22 years old. He is a student at the Medical Faculty in Tver State Medical Academy. He wants to become a good surgeon like our father. He is also a member of the local theatre club. He often plays main parts in the plays. He comes home almost every weekend. My grandfather is a historian and grandmother is a linguist. They give lectures in universities and write scientific books. I have my duties about the house. I go shopping and clean the rooms. I like my home to be clean and tidy. I think home is the nicest place. There is no place better than home and there are no people more dear than your relatives. I am looking forward to getting your reply

Best regards


Answer the questions.

1. Is Alexander a university student?

2. Where are his foreign friends from?

3. How old are they?

4. What are they fond of?

5. Are they married?

6. Are they good acquaintances?

7. Does Alexander live in Tver?

8. Do his parents work at the hospital?

9. What do his grandparents do for a living?

10. Who arranges the boys’ free time?

11. What duties does Alexander have about the house?

12. What does Alexander think about the family?



Write a letter to your English-speaking pen friend (100—140 words).

In your letter describe your family and ask questions about your friend’s family.